Launchpad Configuration

  1. Import your PGP Keys
  2. Install dput, dh-make, devscripts, & config-package-dev packages.
  3. Open /etc/ file and change Launchpad section to:
    fqdn            =
    method            = ftp
    incoming        = ~[LaunchpadID]/testppa/ubuntu
    login            = anonymous
    allow_unsigned_uploads  = 0
  4. The following are the commands used to build source and upload to Launchpad.
    cd test-x.x.x.x
    dh_make –single –native –copyright apache –email [LaunchpadEmail]
    rm debian/*.ex debian/*.EX
    debuild -S -k[LaunchpadEmail] –buildinfo-option=”-O”
    dput testppa ../test_x.x.x.x_source.changes