In Portainer, create a new container and give it a name and use debian:latest for the image. Map the following ports:
- FTP tcp port 21
- Samba tcp ports 139 & 445
- NFS tcp/udp port 2049
- TFTP udp port 69
- Webmin tcp port 10000
In the Advanced Container Settings under Commands and Logging add the command:
/bin/bash -l
Also select the Interactive & TTY (-i -t) console.
Now click on Volumes and add your volume bind mounts. Make sure to also include the following bind mounts:
Host -> Container /volume1/home -> /home rw /volume1/tftpboot -> /export/tftpboot rw /lib/modules -> /lib/modules ro
Then click on Env and add LANG for the name and C.UTF-8 for the value. Also, click on Restart Policy and choose Unless stopped. And lastly, enable ‘Privaliged Mode’ under Runtime & resources.
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