Setting Up Webmin in a Docker Container

In Portainer, create a new container and give it a name and use debian:latest for the image. Map the following ports:

  • FTP tcp port 21
  • Samba tcp ports 139 & 445
  • NFS tcp/udp port 2049
  • TFTP udp port 69
  • Webmin tcp port 10000

In the Advanced Container Settings under Commands and Logging add the command:

/bin/bash -l

Also select the Interactive & TTY (-i -t) console.

Now click on Volumes and add your volume bind mounts. Make sure to also include the following bind mounts:

Host -> Container
/volume1/home -> /home rw
/volume1/tftpboot -> /export/tftpboot rw
/lib/modules -> /lib/modules ro

Then click on Env and add LANG for the name and C.UTF-8 for the value. Also, click on Restart Policy and choose Unless stopped. And lastly, enable ‘Privaliged Mode’ under Runtime & resources.
Continue reading

How To Build a NAS Using a Raspberry Pi 5 and a Radxa Penta SATA Hat

Required Items:

A 3D printer to print the case

Raspberry Pi 5 (8GB preferred)

Radxa Penta SATA Hat

2.5″ Hard Drive or SSD

NF-A8 Noctua Fan

12V 5A Power Adapter

Minimum 8GB MicroSD Card

Build Instructions:

Begin by downloading the 3D print files here and print the Pi NAS case.

Using the Raspberry Pi Imager, flash the latest PiOS Lite to your MicroSD card. Continue reading

Setting Up Syncthing in a Docker Container

Use the following to set up Syncthing in a Docker Container:

container_name: syncthing
hostname: syncthing #optional
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- TZ=America/Los_Angeles
- /volume1/docker/syncthing:/config
- /volume1/path/to/folder1:/folder1
- /volume1/path/to/folder2:/folder2
- 8384:8384
- 22000:22000/tcp
- 22000:22000/udp
- 21027:21027/udp
restart: unless-stopped
