Launchpad Configuration

  1. Import your PGP Keys
  2. Install dput, dh-make, devscripts, & config-package-dev packages.
  3. Open /etc/ file and change Launchpad section to:
    fqdn            =
    method            = ftp
    incoming        = ~[LaunchpadID]/testppa/ubuntu
    login            = anonymous
    allow_unsigned_uploads  = 0
  4. The following are the commands used to build source and upload to Launchpad.
    cd test-x.x.x.x
    dh_make –single –native –copyright apache –email [LaunchpadEmail]
    rm debian/*.ex debian/*.EX
    debuild -S -k[LaunchpadEmail] –buildinfo-option=”-O”
    dput testppa ../test_x.x.x.x_source.changes

Moving/Copying your PGP Keys

Once you’re using PGP, you may want be able to sign email from more than location, or you may switch computers. There’s a few ways to accomplish this.

Copy All GnuPG Data

Your first choice is to copy all of your GnuPG data. This is a lot more data than just your key, but is still likely to be under 5MB. This method will copy all of your keys, everyone’s key you have, and your entire trust database. It’s ideal for backup, or for moving to a new computer. Simply copy all the contents of your GnuPG data directory, which would be as follows:

  • Windows: C:/Documents and Settings/username/application Data/GnuPG
  • Unix/Linux/Mac: ~/.gnupg

Where username is your windows username. Just simply copy the entire contents of that directory from one machine to the other and you will be set. There are many ways to move this data, which I won’t cover. Some examples might be zipping the data up and copying it to a disk.

This will also work between different operating systems.
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